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Profiles in Deception: a Historical Reset by Bill Carico

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Profiles in Deception is a series of books based on the author’s personal research into falsely reported events, several U.S. presidential elections, the JFK, MLK Jr, and RFK Assassinations, and a number of other important historical happenings that have heretofore been misreported to the public by a corrupt corporate media that works hand in glove with the CIA and FBI.

Unabridged Prologue

My purpose in writing this book is to expose how the FBI and CIA, (and NSA in Volume 2) are the muscle behind a shadow government that promotes disunity to prevent our coming together peacefully to solve problems. First and foremost, globalists promoting a New World Order want to neutralize nuclear threats worldwide. Heaven forbid, but those who want to destroy us hope civil war breaks out so the China-led U.N. Security Council could justify sending in an international peacekeeping force to stabilize the U.S. nuclear arsenal. To avoid that scenario, I have developed a peaceful, practical, affordable means of creating new technological/economical/political interaction, the first stage – secure communications – is available at

Since we can’t fight an enemy if we don’t know who they are, this historical reset is needed to identify them so we can understand what they are capable of doing, and where and how our democracy is being threatened.

The urgency to build the X4 infrastructure required to neutralize security threats intensified Wednesday morning, March 9, 2022, when my urologist called. He didn’t mince words. “Hi Bill, the pathology report from your prostate biopsy last Friday identified three small lesions with cancer cells.” I was expecting his call and answered because I wanted to know as soon as possible if a battle with cancer was looming. My sense of urgency to end the call was heightened because I had just stood up from my seat to greet the person walking toward me in the reception area at the historic Patrick Henry Building located on the corner of 11th and Broad Streets in downtown Richmond, VA. It sits behind the Capitol building across from the Governor’s Mansion. I was there at the invitation of Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Secretary of Administration, Lyn McDermid, whose long list of responsibilities included oversight of Virginia’s Information Technology Agency (VITA) with its $400 million budget and 200 employees. The head of VITA had resigned a few weeks earlier, prompting me to apply for the opening, and my resume landed me an interview.

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Because her assistant was off that day, Lyn appeared at the moment my cell phone rang with a call from my urologist. She said, “Hi Bill, thanks for coming.”

I replied, “Please forgive me, but I have to take this call.” She politely stepped away and quickly engaged in conversation with a person seated closeby. I sat down and listened intently to the doctor.

When we finished, I stood up again to properly greet Lyn, while realizing that I had just entered another dimension in my life’s journey. On my immediate path was an interview to oversee technology for a governor who I hoped would one day soon free my daughter from prison, but now I was facing new medical challenges as well. I have learned to trust God’s sovereignty in every step I take, in every circumstance, for every outcome, and especially for His timing. I believe that in every waking moment, it’s everyone’s choice whether or not to embrace the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” According to the words of King Solomon in Proverbs chapter 3, verses 5 and 6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”

Therefore, I simply smiled, thanked Lyn for waiting, and followed her to her office. The previous day, I had researched her credentials online and learned she had been named to Computerworld’s list of Premier 100 IT Leaders for 2004, and had served as Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Federal Reserve for many years. She had recently left retirement to become one of the most powerful cabinet members in the Commonwealth. In her new role as Secretary of Administration, she oversees elections, employee policies and benefits, buildings, grounds, and the Commonwealth’s information technology.

She also was tasked to revamp cybersecurity, one of my specialties.

We sat catty-corner at one end of a large conference table that occupied half of the spacious room. Since Lyn and I had spoken on the phone the day before, we were beyond small talk. Lyn began by asking me to describe my leadership style. I have learned that an interview works best if you keep answers brief, and ask meaningful questions.

I replied that I adapt my leadership styles depending on the situation. To lead an IT organization, I would mainly be a servant leader who helped others succeed by setting clear priorities and eliminating obstacles to productivity. I added that I have a knack for solving complex problems and predicting outcomes, which requires honesty in identifying the real problem and fully understanding its size and scope. As Don Henderson, a former colleague of mine always said, “Prescription without proper diagnosis is malpractice.”

I then asked her if she had ever seen a resume like mine and if she found the format helpful. Page one was three color pictures and a summary (see About the Author).

She admitted she had never seen one like it before, but that she did find it helpful. The three pictures were all recent so she knew I had a wife, played tennis, still had my hair, and the summary of my career was short and to the point. In a nutshell, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Next she asked what was the hardest thing I ever did. That was an easy question because it had to do with a teaching assignment I was given just two years into my career.

After graduating from Roanoke College with a business degree in 1973, I began work at IBM without having a lick of computer training. After spending two years in the Field Engineering Division supporting customers, I was assigned to serve as a temporary instructor at the IBM Washington Education Center teaching a 5-week course to IBM software support personnel on how to troubleshoot software problems on IBM’s new flagship operating system, MVS. It was by far the hardest thing I ever had to do. How was a complete novice going to teach technical experts about the most advanced operating system ever built? I studied every waking hour and it pushed my emotions and endurance to the limit, but somehow I survived, and it opened more career opportunities than I could have ever imagined. I tried to think of ways to convey my actual expertise. Even though it was released 50 years ago, MVS still has no equal. IBM changed the name several times and now calls it zOS, where the “z” stands for zero down time.

When talking about technology with non-techs, I explain how my large systems background makes it easier to spot and explain limitations in new technology. In those conversations, I often mention how Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, can add an unlimited number of nodes, but its Achilles heel is having capacity of around 7 transactions per second because the consensus mechanism required for managing a blockchain slows it down. All distributed designs hit a scalability limit at some point, so it’s important to find where the ceiling is ahead of time. Large banks routinely use zOS to process 25,000 transactions per second.

If I need to prove zOS continues to evolve, I’ll mention that it recently became the first system to offer data encryption that can’t be decoded by a quantum computer. One of the most frequent topics raised is ransomware, so I’ll mention how advanced security makes zOS immune to the viruses and other malware that exist on systems like Microsoft Windows, which has never implemented proper safeguards. On that point, I also mention that first, Hewlett Packard in the 1990s, and later Microsoft in 2003, tried to match MVS security and scalability functionality but eventually gave up.

The failed Microsoft attempt, code name Midori, was abandoned after 12 years.

My breadth and depth of knowledge of computer security qualifies me to state unequivocally that the security of our elections is a joke, but no one’s laughing. Those responsible for maintaining and operating the election infrastructure who willfully overlooked known design vulnerabilities, took implementation shortcuts, and failed to follow legally mandated operational policy and procedures, should be investigated for criminal charges ranging from malpractice to subversion and insurrection.

As we wrapped up the interview Lyn advised me that quite a few people had applied for the job. I offered her my services anytime I might be of assistance, especially if and when Governor Youngkin runs for President. A few weeks later I received an email that the position had been filled.

I can’t help but smile and wonder what the Secretary thought when I said, “I’m sorry but I have to take this call.” That call started a fascinating medical journey over the next three months that included two successful prostate operations, and I returned to playing competitive tennis by autumn. I haven’t tried pickleball yet, and honestly I’m a poor golfer. I like to tell people I was a very poor golfer when I was young, but after years of playing and practice, I am no longer young.

World Travels

I have traveled the globe extensively. While the Gulf War was active from August 2, 1990 through February 28, 1991, I was in Toronto with someone who had organized a relief effort providing food and supplies via Kuwait into Iraq long before the war began. As we watched VP Dick Cheney announcing to the world that a complete blockade was in effect, cutting off all supply lines into Iraq, my friend turned to me, and said, “Our supplies are still going through to Iraq unhindered. Your Vice President is lying to the whole world.”

After Barack Obama won reelection in 2012, I was living in Virginia and investigated reports that dozens of precincts in Ohio and Pennsylvania reported zero votes for Mitt Romney. That’s when I realized how extensively both parties were collaborating, and that our politics had become like pro wrestling. I noticed a pattern where designated losers put on a good show but threw the match, and even conceded early in close races amid claims of vote rigging, much to the dismay of their millions of supporters.

Q. What do losing candidates Thomas Dewey (1948), Richard Nixon (1960), Gerald Ford (1980), and John Kerry (2004) have in common?

Answer: They lost close presidential elections after spending their sizable war chests of donations, conceded defeat before all votes were counted, and exited quietly, dismissing outcome-changing reports of fraud without an investigation. In Nixon’s case, he even obstructed the fraud investigations.

Plenty of supporting details are provided. Here is a sneak peak:

John Kerry immediately conceded a close race for President soon after the press declared that Bush won. No challenges were made, despite a combined spending by 2004 candidates and their national conventions totaling more than $1 billion, 56% more than was spent on the 2000 campaign. Afterward, a Republican IT specialist piloting his own small plane suspiciously crashed before he could testify to congress about Ohio election rigging. Had John Kerry won the state of Ohio, he would have been president, and North Carolina Senator John Edwards would have been Vice President. As you continue reading, prepare to be shocked to learn who chose John Edwards to be Kerry’s running mate.

At the time I’m writing this paragraph, it’s one week before Labor Day, 2023. Trump has been indicted, and the first Republican debate was last week in Milwaukee. I will make two predictions based on the historical patterns of the shadow government. The first is obvious: the legal charges against Trump are without merit, so the obvious strategy is to prolong this case until after the 2024 election.

The second prediction is that a Republican will be president in 2024. It’s one of three people, and none of them were on the debate stage last week.

Why The Title?

My chosen title, Profiles in Deception, is modeled after JFK’s Profiles in Courage that featured short biographies describing acts of bravery and integrity by eight United States senators.  Kennedy wrote, “This is a book about that most admirable of human virtues – courage. ‘Grace under pressure,’ Ernest Hemingway defined it.”  In the preface JFK thanked his many helpers and wrote, “The greatest debt is owed to my research associate, Theodore C. Sorensen, for his invaluable assistance in the assembly and preparation of the material upon which this book is based.”  A year after its 1956 release, the book won a Pulitzer prize for biographies, but there’s much, much more to the story.

In 2020, researcher Jim Morrison revealed these points on

Jim Morrison lived in Washington (1952–2018), has 7.1K answers and 26.5M answer views.

Ted Sorensen would keep to himself that he had assisted John Kennedy in writing “Profiles in Courage” until 2008, then admitting that he was the ghost writer with JFK assisting.

Kennedy’s strongest influence was in the opening and last chapters. The book John Kennedy took a keen interest in, suggesting edits and comments. But Kennedy was incapacitated during a great deal of time of the book’s writing from a back operation. Jackie Kennedy further solicited her history professor at Georgetown University, Jules Davids, to help assist on the book project. Davids admitted to a Kennedy biographer that he and Sorensen had researched and drafted most of the book.

Profiles in Courage was released Jan.1, 1956 and became a best seller. But Joe Kennedy wasn’t satisfied. The book had been passed over as a finalist forwarded to the 1957 Pulitzer Award selection committee. Joe tapped his political adviser, columnist Arthur Krock, who also happened to be a board member of the Pulitzer Prize, to influence others to vote for it. !n 1957, Profiles in Courage, which had been considered a finalist till Joe Kennedy’s involvement, beat out all other contenders to the Pulitzer Prize for Biography.

Soon the authorship of “Profiles in Courage,” would first be subject to question on December 7, 1957. As a guest on Mike Wallace Interview, journalist Drew Pearson stated live on the air, “John F. Kennedy is the only man in history that I know who won a Pulitzer Prize for a book that was ghostwritten for him.”

Wallace asked Pearson if he knew for a fact that Profiles in Courage was ghostwritten. Pearson responded he did, claiming Kennedy’s speechwriter Ted Sorenson wrote the book. Wallace asked, further trying to clarify the situation, “And Kennedy accepted a Pulitzer Prize for it? And he never acknowledged the fact?”

Pearson answered “No, he has not. You know, there’s a little wisecrack around the Senate about Jack … some of his colleagues say, ‘Jack, I wish you had a little less profile and more courage.'”

Joe Sr was livid. Contacting his lawyer Clark Clifford, Joe stated, “Sue the bastards for fifty million dollars.”

Clifford and Robert Kennedy would show up at ABC headquarters, telling the executives that the Kennedys would sue the network unless a full retraction and an apology was made. Even though Wallace and Pearson stood by the accusations, the ABC network caved to the Kennedys’ demands and issued a retraction and apology. Almost 50 years would go by before Sorensen’s autobiography, Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History, in it concerning “Profiles in Courage,” admitted that he wrote “a first draft of most of the chapters” of and “helped choose the words of many of its sentences”