
Sway the Way: Your Voice, Your Bills, Your Constitutional Republic

Have you wished for an easy and quick way to communicate with your state Representatives and Senators about the issues most important to you, your family, and your community BEFORE any legislation is voted into law?

We designed MyConstituents to do just that! We make it easy to let your opinion be known beyond your vote with real-time, accurate legislative information at your fingertips, all online without having to leave the house.

Follow proposed bills as they wind through the legislative process; our powerful chatbot and AI-assisted bill summaries display pros and cons together with vital context along the way. Add your opinion to topic-oriented surveys and give your position on polls attached to each bill. MyConstituents allows for quick, timely, two-way interaction between constituents and lawmakers as legislation is being shaped and important votes are being made.

Join us in building a society where informed citizens drive positive change and your voice is heard beyond your vote. Be part of building a better future for your family and your community.

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