IT expert Bill Carico registered the domain in the early days of the Internet. Since that time, he has turned down countless offers to sell it, instead keeping it as he continues to refine his dream of creating a safe internet.

In the early years of his career, Bill designed and created a customized database security system for an oil company named Gulf Canada, and for the Dutch National Bank of Denmark. He also partnered with the US Army to develop a secure network tool called TITUS, that is still in use. One of his proudest achievements is helping create a technology roadmap for Health Canada, who followed it and raised Canada’s overall worldwide health ranking to surpass over 30 countries, second only to Denmark.

Born and raised in Virginia, Bill’s IT career started over 40 years ago. Since then, he has served hundreds of large organizations and government agencies, eventually amassing more than 1800 clients around the world. For 22 years, he offered perhaps the longest running IT seminar series in history. Attendees were technical managers from some of the largest IT shops in the world.

Bill doesn’t mind sharing his resume so you can understand X4’s origins.

X4 secure calling is a key part of a comprehensive plan to create a safe internet that we refer to as X4 Internet. A major goal is to eliminate the threats from spywareransomware, and other types of malware.

To fully comprehend the threats everyone now faces, look around at how the world has become more dangerous since 2016 when our own government lost its Internet spying tools to the world of hackers. Network authority Bill Alderson sounded the alarm that the FBI, NSA, and CIA had lost control of their most powerful surveillance tools. X4 secure calling was officially announced on Dec 7, 2022, to commemorate that the NSA was founded so we would never experience another surprise attack like what happened Dec 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor.

For a deeper understanding of the technical details of a number of important security issues, please download the full PDF slide deck that Bill Carico created for the Austin Cybersecurity conference held in May of 2022.

Among the main topic of creating a Zero Trust Network architecture, these slides reveal how bigger ransoms are being extorted from bigger entities in Government and the private sector, and even to the extent of crippling critical infrastructure like the Colonial Pipeline. Also please note how bad actors are using NSO Group’s spyware known as Pegasus.

Again, adopting X4 secure calling is an important first step in regaining control and restoring privacy in cyberspace. The first 10,000 to enroll and pay $100 monthly will become Founders club and will be offered early adopter privileges as we continue to expand our services.

“The world has clearly become a more dangerous place after our own government lost its Internet spying tools in 2016 to criminal elements.”

$6 Trillion Cybercrime report confirms cybercriminals are extorting bigger ransoms from bigger entities in Government and the private sector.

By protecting your rights to privacy, our advanced communications capabilities will advance the cause of freedom. We think it’s high time somebody started looking out for you and yours.

Please see our FAQ page to learn how to use X4 Comms. We look forward to serving you.

An investigation where I uncovered over $2 billion in failed IT projects led to world-wide travel where I exposed the vendor fraud and group-think behind the debacles.

One goal of the X4 Coalition is to unify our citizens, protect our liberties, and preserve our republic. Together we must expose the real threats and vulnerabilities that exist in cybersecurity, and especially where elections are concerned. For example, I have created multiple videos that tell about my journey investigating U.S. elections and what I uncovered after the voting was completed in the November 2020 presidential race.

Over my four-decade long IT career my most active customers included large corporations and government agencies with large-scale IT infrastructures operating at max security. My client list exceeds 1,800 organizations. I presented my research on multiple topics at over 40 IT events spanning 15 countries and five continents.

Two of the relevant quotes I've originated along the way are:

"Low integrity is at an all-time high."


"Shallow thinking leads to deep regrets."

I also quote my colleague Don Henderson:

"Prescription without proper diagnosis is malpractice."

Big Tech companies are untrustworthy. For example, Google still tracks its customers even when location feature is turned off. However, I used it for good when I built a software package to analyze tracking data and found 2 alibis that prove my daughter's innocence on burglary charges.

Join the X4 community and operate online more independently, securely, and privately. explains how to do that. includes a curriculum for Mastering IT.

This video features Bill Carico, cybersecurity specialist and chief architect for X4 Internet

X4 Coalition Founders

Barr McClellan

Barr McClellan had an intricate relationship between super lawyer Edward Clark and LBJ. Barr wrote a best seller exposing CLARK AS THE ORGANIZER behind the JFK assassination. Barr and Bill Carico first crossed paths shortly after the 2020 election, and became fast friends. Barr has since become one of X4's trusted advisors and they are also helping each other finish books that are near completion.

Barr's bestseller "Blood, Money & Power - How LBJ Killed JFK" really rocked the world when it was released in 2003. He represented President LBJ and his interests, from 1966 through 1971, advising law partners and LBJ on political strategy, campaign contributions, television disputes, and various other matters. In the book Barr reveals the secret conspiracy about the J.F.K. assassination which had theretofore had been shrouded in secrecy and deceit. Barr's book cast doubt on the veracity of the Warren Commission's findings by revealing the planning, payoffs, and power plays that changed the history of the 20th century.

If absolute power corrupts, then blood, money, and deception are its allies. His book received high praise from those who practice investigative journalism.

During his legal career he represented several major energy companies in litigation. During his career his noteworthy cases included winning a Supreme Court case to protect parklands from freeways, winning a cases dealing with exploding Ford Pintos, tobacco's toll on the health care system, and cell phone regulations.

He is a graduate of the University of Texas with bachelor and law degrees.

James W. Collins

Jim is a former Assistant Vice President and Senior DB2 Systems Engineer at Wells Fargo Bank where he optimized performance for their massive DB2 production systems. Jim specializes in performance tuning and measurement. He once completed a software upgrade involving all DB2 systems and it was the most successful migration in the bank’s history. Jim also completed a multi-year effort to streamline data movement which resulted in massive performance improvements and resource savings. He has also worked for IBM, Siemens, and several smaller software companies.

Jim and Bill met in 1976 in Austin, TX, working for a database startup company and developing network software used by Fortune 100 companies.

X4 secure calling is a key part of a comprehensive plan to create a safe internet that we refer to as X4 Internet. Part of that plan is to eliminate spyware, ransomware, and other types of malware. “